AMPOA Annual Meeting

All AMPOA members are invited to attend the annual meeting. Home and property owners will receive, by U.S. Postal Service, a formal agenda indicating the date, time and place of the annual meeting. Also included is an official PROXY to be completed and mailed to AMPOA whether you are attending the meeting or not. (All members in good-standing may vote.)

Summer sunset view from Mount Long Stack, Alpine Meadows

The 2019 meeting is scheduled Sunday, June 30, 2019, 10 a.m. at the home of Wayne and Joann Hester, 32 Alpine Meadows Road. Please check your mailbox at the address in which you receive Alpine Meadows Association notices. Please review the agenda, proposed budget, 2018 minutes and SIGN AND RETURN YOUR PROXY whether you plan to attend or not. Thank you. You may download the agenda, proposed budget and last year’s minutes from the appropriate page on this web site.