Pollini Swale Restoration Quote – March 12, 2024

Job will include:
(1) excavation of trench to maintain a depth of 2’ below road and a 3’ width at bottom.
(2) apply 6/8” erosion stone to both sides an bottom. Compact stone into both sides and bottom.
(3) all materials Will be used at bottom of hill to increase the size and integrity existing berm. Finish product will be placed over berm.
(4) outfall into woods at bottom will be reshaped and stone applied.
(5) job duration will be approximately 3 Days.

Mini Excavator @ $1,100/day
Skid Steer @ $1,000/ day
Truck time based on 10hrs @ 140/ hrs- $1400
(5) 25 ton loads/16 yds @ $576 – $2880
Labor: 10hrs @ $80 – $800

TOTAL: $11,380
Quote price of $11,000

Side note: any work done on private properties will be discussed with contractor and billed separately.

Thank you, John Pollini-Pollini Bros Construction (603) 569-1652

AMPOA Annual Meeting Minutes 2019

Sunday, June 30, 2019 – 10:00 AM –

Place: Wayne & Joann Hester

32 Alpine Meadows Rd.

  • 10:02 a.m. Call meeting to Order by VP John Smith; Roll Call: 8 owners in attendance;
  • 8 owners in attendance; 18 proxies: quorum established – Wayne Hester notes owners should update contact information with AMPOA; those in attendance who needed to – did so on the master sheet.
  • WAIVED reading of 2018 minutes: motion + second
  • Approval of minutes: July 2018, – motion + second
  • Treasurer’s report – Review income/expenses 2018-2019: one question about loan to AMPOA from Breskin – clarified and understood; one question about those who owe past dues; explained that AMPOA actually did better in 2018-19 in dues paying/collections. Owners should understand that on-time quarterly payments keeps owners in good standing.
  • Motion to accept treasurer’s report – second/approved
  • Proposed budget, 2019-2020
    • Question about need for tree trimming; explained it’s done ever other year; suggested by board that owners take responsibility for their over-hanging tree branches and culverts to keep roads/culverts clear.
    • Question about $800 dues; explained that dues mainly goes to road improvements – which take a lot of money + winter plowing.
    • Motion to accept proposed budget; + second – approved.
  • Old business/new business
    • Patricia Young: concerned about her gullies; Doug Breskin says he’ll take a look
    • Marcia Crossman: expressed concern about another homeowner and her property which remains for sale. Doug Breskin assured her that this had not been discussed as an association issue.
    •   Brenda Jorett Breskin: reminds owners that pet owners must clean up after their dogs; do not leave waste on others’ property; Doug Breskin reminds all that town ordinance requires pets to be in control of owner and clean up waste.
    • Brenda Jorett Breskin: to avoid incurring landscaping needs and costs, asks homeowners to volunteer to spruce up Alpine Meadows entrance; beware of poison ivy.
      • Patricia Young says Alpine Meadows sign is on her property; Doug Breskin confirms this: Wayne Hester indicates since entrance sign has been there so long (adverse possession) that basically, it’s to be cared for by AMPOA.

Proposed slate of AMPOA officers 2019-2020:

  • President: Doug Breskin
  • Vice President/Treasurer: Scott Sislane
  • Secretary: Brenda Jorett
  • Director: JohnSmith
  • Director: Wayne Hester
  • Director Bob Trotta
  • Director Phil Estes

No discussion on the slate; motion to approve: Susan Trotta; second- Joanne Hester; Email address to contact AMPOA will be updated via the AMPOA web site-  Contact: admin@ampoa.org

  • Meeting adjourns 10:42 a.m.

Access our AMPOA By-Laws, Covenants and assessment information at our web site

AMPOA Annual Meeting

All AMPOA members are invited to attend the annual meeting. Home and property owners will receive, by U.S. Postal Service, a formal agenda indicating the date, time and place of the annual meeting. Also included is an official PROXY to be completed and mailed to AMPOA whether you are attending the meeting or not. (All members in good-standing may vote.)

Summer sunset view from Mount Long Stack, Alpine Meadows

The 2019 meeting is scheduled Sunday, June 30, 2019, 10 a.m. at the home of Wayne and Joann Hester, 32 Alpine Meadows Road. Please check your mailbox at the address in which you receive Alpine Meadows Association notices. Please review the agenda, proposed budget, 2018 minutes and SIGN AND RETURN YOUR PROXY whether you plan to attend or not. Thank you. You may download the agenda, proposed budget and last year’s minutes from the appropriate page on this web site.


AMPOA in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire.


If you have not received your annual assessment – please make sure to contact us: sislane@ampoa.org

The Annual Meeting date/place for 2018 has been set. Details are available here. (see above)

*** ROAD SPEED *** 25 MPH ***

There have been many complaints about people speeding on the hill. Children and pets are at risk!! PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR SPEED.



PO Box 134

Wolfeboro, NH 03894